Sunday, October 01, 2006


The poem I wrote disappeared. Usually I copy what I've written before posting, but the inflamed belly - perhaps it was the prunes and dried apricots, dark chocolate discs, Guinness draft, muesli and raw sugar, all fermenting until my stomach swelled in pain not unlike the labour of birth - and the late hour, I clicked on the wrong button, it disappeared. Poems can't be rewritten, not like prose can. I'm left wondering if what surfaced from the currents of words will reappear, or, if like a melted iceberg, it's gone, become ocean.

I wanted to post the poem, not talk about the bad night, and enjoy my quiet weekend making my way out into the day today, but I'm aching, light-headed, still swimming in the depths of the emotional disaster last week, the emailing, the words, the decisions, the silences, the loss.

Incomprehensible on the edge of.

Aren't they all edges?

And where is.


  1. (((Brenda)))
    This sounds like just the straw, the last, on top of a terrible week already. I've had a feeling but haven't known and still don't understand, but I don't need to to want to send warm hugs your way if they'll help. (Oh, goodness, this is such a limited and limiting medium.) Sounds like many of us have been going through some difficult moments in recent weeks. I wish you soothing and comfort... and feeling better soon.

  2. Thank you, MB, for being so sweet, I'm more grateful than you can know. xo

  3. Everything MB and Twoberry said. I'm sorry, Brenda.

    Wishing you days of light and (and a little fun as well perhaps) this coming week.

  4. Anonymous2:34 PM


    & a Rose

  5. Twoberry, yes, alas, seems gone - though I haven't heard back from the service provider yet, I'm sure I sent it into a cyber space black hole by clicking on the wrong box.

    Mary, I'm still recovering, thank you. xo

    Even without knowing the situation, you offer warmth, thank you, as ever, Laurieglynn, my dear friend. xo

  6. Ah, here is the answer to my question above. Well then, my continued wishes for feeling better soon. What would life be without its complications? ("Easier," do I hear you say?? ;-) ... Then I'd agree!) xo


Self-Portrait with a Fascinator 2016

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