Friday, June 02, 2006

Woman in Green

Woman in Green

She begins a new page on my website.


  1. The "woman in the chair" is one of the first images of yours that I remember, but that woman was exhausted, and this one seems ready to move...

  2. Green for the heart, purple for spirituality, red for fire. Dreaming of purple hyacinths. Just lovely. I wonder who she is ......

  3. I'm thinkin' this was inspired by "Green Muse"

  4. I lika da comments!

    Energy, yah, narrator! Mary, what beautiful meanings for the colours! And jpatrick, surely you answered: she's the Green Muse... (shoulda I git ma butt over d'ere & submit her?)

    As soon as I can get a manual calligraphy nib and an old style stylus and some purple ink I'll put the words in by hand. Scanning it would be better, too. The white paper goes a bluish-gray in photographs, even when snapped in direct sun.

    Muchos gratis!

  5. Marvelous colors! And I love the vibrancy of the strokes.


Self-Portrait with a Fascinator 2016

On Monday, I walked, buying frames from two stores in different parts of the city, then went to the Art Bar Poetry Series in the evening, ab...